Thus. Oct. 17
Independent language learning reports
Explain Essay 4
Course evaluations
Write Essay 4
Independent language learning reports
Explain Essay 4
Course evaluations
Write Essay 4
Speakers and discussion: Essay 3
Write brief report about independent language learning
Prepare 2-minute talk
Speaker summaries: Lin, Mackey, Prentis, TSIS 2
Citations and references
Read Essay 3 beginnings aloud
Finish Essay 3
Speaker summaries: Lahiri, TSIS Chapter 1
Intro to Essay 3
Brainstorm ideas for Essay 3
Review previous readings
Begin Essay 3
Read Prentis, “Feel More Fun in French”
Read TSIS Chapters 2 + 3
Read Essay 2 intros out loud
TSIS Chapter 3 oral summary
“Quotation sandwich” writing exercise
Finish Essay 2
Read Lahiri and TSIS Chapter 1
Speaker summaries: Gardner & Lambert, Hessler, “What is a good essay?” video
Discussion of “integrative motivation”
Introduction to Essay 2
Begin Essay 2
Speaker summaries: Mackey, student essays
Citation and references
Discussion and video: What is a good essay?
Due tomorrow 4pm: Finish essay
Due Tuesday in class: Read Hessler and Gardner & Lambert
“Voice” in essays: quoting and paraphrasing
Developing ideas
Fix problems in your essay
Write two more paragraphs
Read Mackey, “Wanting it Enough”
3 speakers prepare oral summaries
Share first paragraphs of essays
In-class writing: Outline essay
Speaker summaries: “Ways of Reasoning,” TSIS Introduction
Finish your outline
Write as much of your essay as you can
Video: “What is an essay?”
Explain Essay 1
In-class writing
Speaker summaries: Rubin (1975), Machova (2018)
Rewrite paragraph
Read TSIS Introduction and “Ways of Reasoning”
2 speakers prepare oral summaries
Sign up for one-on-one appointments
“Language is a physical skill”
Read summaries out loud
Discuss and summarize Rubin (1975)
Read classmates’ summaries and transcripts
Brainstorm ideas for essay
3 speakers prepare to summarize orally
Watch Machova TED Talk
Video: “Valerie Catches the Monster”
Share what we learned from interviews
Write interview summary
Interview summary (typed)
E-copy of transcript
Read Rubin (1975)
Share fables
Summarize Angel Lin, “English and Me”
Introduce “successful language learner” project
Interview a successful language learner
Transcribe the interview
In-class writing: “Good at English”
Fable-writing exercise
Finish fable
Read Angel Lin, “English and Me”
Read “How Class Works: Questions and Answers”
Think of a successful language learner