Day 6
Thurs. Nov. 14
Speakers and discussion: Drive Intro + Chapter 1
In-class writing and questions
➤ Read Drive Chapter 2 (including 2A)
From now on I will upload Drive chapters to Box. (Access is limited to Duke; VPN required.) Don’t forget to print and bring to class.
Leo: Summarize pp. 32-47 (up to “More of What We Don’t Want”)
Chunheng: Summarize pp. 47-57 (beginning with “More of What We Don’t Want”)
Susie: Summarize Chapter 2A
Speakers: in addition to summarizing your section, please be prepared to share your personal response to the reading and pose an interesting question to the class.
➤ (Optional) Watch Pink’s TED talk
In this TED talk Pink gives a basic overview of the ideas he lays out in Drive. Watch it if you’re interested, and if you think it would help you with your reading.
➤ Outline Chapter 2 and 2A
Same as last time: Outline what you think are the most important points in the reading. Make it neat, make the connections between ideas clear, and make it easy to understand when skimmed. This will be graded (✓, ✓+, ✓-).
Reading response template 1
➤ Reading response
In three short paragraph, explain the point you find most intriguing in the reading so far (including Chapter 2) and what question it raises in your mind. Structure your response using the template (attached as an image file — if you can’t see it, please let me know!)
This assignment will be ungraded. Please type it, formatted as you would an essay; print it; and bring it to class.