
WOC190 Spring 2020 Session 3

Day 5

Tues. Jan. 21

  • Creating tension: “Orange Crush” and “Southern Summers”

  • Share objects

  • About grading


➤ Begin Essay 2: Essay on an Object

I’d recommend you start writing this essay soon, particularly if you’ll be busy over the holiday. This essay is due a week from today, Tues. Feb. 4.

Be sure to reread the instructions before beginning!

➤ Read excerpts from classmates’ writing

Read the excerpts from “Essay 1: Portrait of a Place.” Choose one excerpt you particularly like (not your own) and write a brief list of observations about them. Begin each observation with the phrase “I noticed that . . .” (I’m imagining somewhere between 5-10 observations; how many you do exactly is up to you.) Bring this to class in a form in which you can hand it in to me.

➤ Read “The Mwiko”

As you read, ask yourself:

  • What does the mwiko (and making ugali) represent for the different characters (the father, the narrator, the sister)? Be ready to share one sentence that reflects this.

  • Where does the tension come from in this story?

In addition, please think of a new ending in which a character does something with the mwiko. Be ready to share your idea with us next class.

Austin Woerner