
WOC190 Fall 2019 Session 1

Class Notes and Homework Assignments

Day 10

W-Th Sept. 25-26

  • Readings from “Character pieces”

  • Small group work on annotation project


➤ Annotation Project: Step 1

Now that you’ve discussed your annotation project with me, please do the following things:

1) By Monday at the latest, send me a brief paragraph answering the following questions. (We talked about many of these questions together in class, but I’d like to put it in writing to formalize what we’ve said.)

  • What piece or pieces have you decided to annotate?

  • How is this piece relevant to the themes of our course / why would it be meaningful for students in this course to read it in the future?

  • What sort of reader are you imagining reading your annotations? (For example, how proficient are they in the language?)

  • What do you hope your annotations will add to the experience of reading the text?

2) Start a single account on for your group. Make the user name be: WOC190_GroupX (where X is your group number). When you annotate, make sure that everybody in your group is using this account. (This will ensure that all the annotations will appear on the same document.)

This project will be due M-Tu Oct. 14-15 in class. I’ll ask each group to prepare a brief presentation explaining your work to the class. I’ll give specific instructions later.

➤ Begin working on final project

By Monday at the latest, message me on WeChat telling me what you have decided to do for your final project. (Which piece are you planning on expanding and revising? Or, if you want to do something else, what do you have in mind?)

I will ask every student who wants their piece to be featured in our “literary atlas” to submit at least one rough draft of the piece between now and Wednesday October 9th. You may submit as many drafts as you wish. If you want me to look at multiple drafts, I encourage you to start revising your piece soon. I would be happy to read drafts over the National Day holiday — consider submitting one to me this coming Monday!

Austin Woerner