W-Th Jan. 22-23
Speakers and discussion
Intro to Essay 2: Culture as concepts
Read “Cultural Keywords” article
Think of a Chinese word to add to word list
3 speakers prepare oral reports
Class Notes & Assignments
Speakers and discussion
Intro to Essay 2: Culture as concepts
Read “Cultural Keywords” article
Think of a Chinese word to add to word list
3 speakers prepare oral reports
Speakers and discussion
Share examples of social scripts
What will a good paper do?
Essay 1 draft due next class
Write out a “social script”
3 speakers prepare brief oral reports
Share observation / question paragraphs
Introduce Essay 1
Pick up feedback
Begin working on Essay 1
3 speakers prepare 2-3 minute oral reports
Don’t forget about social scripts
Share “Rituals of the Esenich”
Mini-lecture: Imagining one’s culture from the outside
Share results of interviews
About English feedback
Skim interviews, look at culture books
Short writing assignment
Read Meng Hongdang (2008) on “social scripts”
Share questions for interviewee
Mock interview
Share observations on “Nacirema”
Conduct interview
Transcribe and upload interview
Short writing assignment:
Intro to the course
Think of questions for a cultural outsider
Watch and observe Boyhood clip
Intro to “Nacirema”
Course Handbook and other logistics
Read Course Handbook
Come up with 3-5 good interview questions
Read “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema”
Short writing assignment