Writing about Language Learning (Part 2) ~ Duke Kunshan University
Class Notes and Homework Assignments
Thurs. Dec. 10
Discussion led by Wu You and Kaiyuan
Reflections on what we’ve learned
Course evaluations
Finish revising course paper
Do course evaluation (if you haven’t yet)
Tues. Dec. 8
Speakers share arguments of their papers
Work on your course paper
Bring your computer to next class to fill out evaluations
Thurs. Dec. 3
Speakers: Summarize TSIS chapters 6 & 7
Discussion: Developing your ideas
Speakers share language-learning plans
Final draft deadline postponed to noon on Dec. 16
Read classmates’ responses to your essay draft
Speakers be ready to summarize their papers
Tues. Dec. 1
Speakers discuss articles from Aeon and Sixth Tone
Developing your ideas
Speakers share language-learning plans
Read They Say, I Say Chapters 6 & 7
Read two classmates’ essays and write response letters
(one due Wed., the other due Fri.)
Thurs. Nov. 26
What qualities do we want in our own writing?
Types of sources
Rough draft of course paper due next class
Read 2 short essays from Aeon and Sixth Tone
Tues. Nov. 24
Speakers: Personality, self, and identity
Usage: using English-English dictionaries
Speakers: Independent language learning plans
Take a break! (Or finish your homework from last class!)
Speakers: Share a piece of writing you like and tell us why it’s good
Everybody else: Read the articles chosen by the speakers
Thurs. Nov. 19
Share problems about language learning
Intro to course paper
2 speakers share language learning plans
Begin researching and writing your paper
Read announcement about Intersections
Tues. Nov. 17
Speakers: Share responses to Niemic & Ryan
Strategies for finding the right words and learning how to use them
Speakers: Share language learning plans
Read Prentis and preview Dornyei
2 speakers: Help prepare the class to read Dornyei
Short writing assignment: Write about a problem related to language-learning
Try “figure out” 2 words from word list
2 speakers: prepare to share your language-learning plan
Thurs. Nov. 12
Speakers on Niemic and Ryan: autonomy, competence, relatedness, internalization
Notebook keeping tips: context and collocation
Write response to Niemic & Ryan
Upload question words to Box
Speakers: Share responses, language-learning plans
Tues. Nov. 10
Speakers: Share responses to Pink
Share observations from interviews
Share notebooks, talk about effective notebook-keeping habits
Talk about how to use language feedback
Read Niemic & Ryan, “Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness in the Classroom”
Short writing assignment: Compare writing styles of 3 texts
Come ready to share:
A word in English you don’t know how to use
A word or phrase in Chinese you don’t know how to express in English
What dictionaries or resources you use when you write
Thurs. Nov. 5
“Valerie Catches the Monster”
Speakers and discussion:
HTLL Chapter 11
Pink TED talk and Drive
1-on-1 meetings with me (continued)
Upload independent language-learning plan worksheet
Bring notebook to next class
Read/listen to classmates’ interviews
Finish Pink Chapter 2
Write response to Pink
Tues. Nov. 3
Speaker summaries: HTLL Chapters 9, 10
Language-learning journey, goal-setting
“Valerie Catches the Monster”
Read HTLL Chapter 11
Watch Dan Pink TED talk, read beginning of Drive Chapter 2
Write summary of classmate’s interview
(Ongoing) 1-on-1 meetings to outline language-learning plans
Thurs. Oct. 29
Summaries of Oyserman, HTLL Chapter 2
Intro to the idea of a “language-learning practice”
Sign up for 1-on-1 appointment
English learner interview project
Read HTLL Chapters 9 and 10
Calculate days & weeks
Tues. Oct. 27
Introduction to class
Visualization exercise: “Future self”
Finish writing “future self” scene
Send me your EAP101A course paper
Read Oyserman, “Where Does the Future Begin?”
Read Snow, “How to Learn a Language” Chapter 2
Read Course Handbook (if you haven’t yet)
Course Documents
Due Wed. Dec. 16 (at 12 noon)
Describe a problem related to how we think about language learning, and make an argument for why we should care about it and/or how it could be solved.
Conduct a detailed interview with a classmate about their English-learning habits, history, and goals.
In this article published in the academic journal Theory, Research, and Education, scholars Niemic and Ryan apply self-determination theory to education.
In his TED talk author Daniel Pink argues that the way we think about motivating people is all wrong.
In this book Don Snow, head of the Language and Culture Center at Duke Kunshan University, gives advice to students about how to become more autonomous language learners.
Writing in the online magazine Aeon, psychologist Daphna Oyserman explores the connection between students’ motivation and their visions of the future.
Based on scientific research on motivation, author Daniel Pink lays out some big ideas about how humans can work more effectively and lead more satisfying lives.