Day 10
Thurs. Nov. 28
Summary of TSIS Chapter 6
Citations and references - review
➤ Essay 2 due at 12 noon tomorrow
Check over your essay and make sure that whenever you use someone else’s words, ideas, or knowledge, you include a citation and a reference to the source.
Print your essay and leave it in my blue box by 12 noon tomorrow (Fri. Nov. 29)
➤ Read Cherry, "Self-determination Theory and Motivation"
(This is a brief overview of Self-determination Theory from, a popular psychology website. It will give you a general summary of the ideas in the theory, which I’m hoping will help you understand the chapter of Pink you’re going to present.)
➤ Prepare group presentations
Group 1 (Downey, Xiong Xin, Leon): Read Drive Chapter 4, "Autonomy"
Group 2 (Eldar, Amber, Johnathan): Read Drive Chapter 5, "Mastery"
Group 3 (Chunheng, Susie, Ellen): Read Drive Chapter 6, "Purpose"
Group 4 (Leo, Minara, Wenwen): Read the excerpts from Zoltan Dornyei, Motivating Learners, Motivating Teachers: Building Vision in the Language Classroom
Each group must teach the content to their classmates by doing two things:
together, make an outline of your assigned reading that the rest of your classmates could use to quickly and easily understand the main points in the material
(Note: When making an outline for the purposes of note-taking or doing a presentation, if you use the author’s exact words you should still put them in quotation marks. If you don’t, the reader [who might be your future self!] might use those words in their writing and thereby accidentally plagiarize the author.)
clearly explain the main points to your classmates in 6-9 minutes (2-3 min per student)
Groups 1-3 will present on Tuesday Dec 3. Group 4 will present on Thursday Dec 5.
On the day of your presentation, please bring 13 copies of your outline, one for each student and one for me.