EAP101B - Essay 3 (final paper)
due 12:00 noon on Friday. Dec. 13 (printed out, in my blue box)
Option A
Many experts believe that motivation is the single most decisive factor in a student's long-term success in language study. How could a semester-long EAP class for incoming freshmen at a university like DKU (an English-medium university in China) best help students become self-motivated English learners—students who are able to continue to improve their English outside the framework of formal coursework?
Option B
If you don't think motivation is the most significant challenge for English learners at a university like DKU, what is the most significant challenge? And how could a semester-long English course for incoming freshmen most effectively address this challenge?
Length: No limit
Citation style: MLA
Have a focus
"Describe it before you comment on it" (Think: What things need to be described first in order for my argument to make sense?)
Support your points using specific evidence ("If you say it's true, show how you know it's true")
Consider your audience
Strive toward your own ideal of good writing