Day 11
M-Tu Feb. 21-22
A few words about revising for the final
Capturing a moment
Read “I Remembers” together and observe
More on aphorisms
➤ Tell me which essay you want to revise
By next class, please decide (at least tentatively) which of your essays you want to revise and submit as your final project.
Message me on WeChat (or email me) and tell me which essay you think you’ll choose!
As soon as you have a new version of your essay ready, feel free to make an appointment with me to read it. I’m happy to give feedback on as many drafts as you’re motivated to produce before the final deadline. Please note that the final project is due at midnight (11:59pm) on Sunday March 6 (China time).
(Note that it’s better not to wait to last minute to make an appointment! The closer we get to the deadline, the greater the chance that I may already be booked up and have to say no. Please note also that I’m not usually available for appointments on weekends.)
➤ Write a “postcard from the present”
Write a paragraph 4-6 sentences long that attempts to capture, as vividly as possible, a specific moment between now and next class. Imagine that your intended reader is yourself, ten years from now. What could you put down on paper to vividly transport yourself back into this moment — to make them feel “there”?
Upload this assignment to our SharePoint folder, to the subfolder titled “Postcards from the Present.”
➤ Read “I Remember,” come ready to share observations
Read “I Remember” by Joe Brainard. Write a list of observations about it and come ready to share one or two. Pay particular attention to patterns, and to the connections between the fragments—how do they connect? (Do they?)
No need to upload your observations; just be ready to share.