Day 11
M-Tu Dec. 2-3
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➤ Decide which essay to revise
By next class, please decide (at least tentatively) which of your essays you want to revise and submit as your final project.
➤ Begin revising
The earlier you begin revising, the better the work will become — so get started soon! I am willing to give you feedback on as many revision attempts as you wish; it all depends on how motivated you are to work on it and make it better.
If you want to get feedback on a revision, message me and make an appointment to meet with me one-on-one. Generally the way I do this is I ask the student to read the work aloud to me and I give them feedback on the spot.
If you want to get started revising your character essay immediately, you’re welcome to make an appointment with me before receiving my written feedback. In this case, you can read me your essay as is, and I’ll give you my comments orally.