Day 4
W-TH SEPT. 4-5
Share observations on “Orange Crush” and “Southern Summers”
Share Place essays
Explain grading
➤ Write observations for each classmate’s essay read today
For each piece of writing that was read out loud today, write a paragraph (100-200 words) of observations about it. Type your observations and print them out in such a format that your observations could be given directly to the student (i.e. each paragraph of observations should be on a separate paper).Write observations on classmates’ work
➤ Read “The Mwiko” (in course reader)
This is an unpublished essay written by a student in a writing class. As you’re reading, consider two questions and be ready to share your answers next class:
This essay is 1300 words long. Imagine you’re an editor who needs to edit it down to a shorter length (say, 1000 words) to publish in your magazine. What would you recommend that author cut out? What seems least essential, and why?
Think up an alternate ending for the essay in which the narrator does something with the mwiko. What could you imagine the narrator doing with the mwiko? What would that mean, in the context of the story?
➤ Start working on Object essay
Start thinking about—and writing, if you wish—Essay 2: Essay on an Object. This assignment is due W-Th Sept. 11-12 in class.