Day 2
Mon. Oct. 25
Intro to roles in a publication
Brainstorming: Vision for Meridian 2
➤ Read Handout 5 (Schedule)
Read Handout 5, which explains our schedule for the next two weeks!
➤ Join Friday field trip (“Editors’ retreat”)
Your only real homework is to attend the field trip on Friday (our “Editors’ Retreat”) at the Yuefengdao Organic Farm where we will read through as many submissions as possible and continue our discussion about our vision for Meridian Volume 2.
The bus leaves from the CC parking lot at 9am on Friday. Please arrive on time!
Packing list:
Dress warmly! We’ll be spending plenty of time outside.
You’ll probably want to bring your laptop.
That’s about it! ;)
If you need to arrive late, call your Didi to 悦丰岛有机农场(北门). Note that this is the farm next to Yangcheng Lake, not the farmstand in Forest Park!