Wed. May 5
Letter to Fran: Discussion
Speakers: Share resources
Concluding remarks on English learning strategies
Fill out course evaluations
Final paper due midnight Wed. May 12
Letter to Fran: Discussion
Speakers: Share resources
Concluding remarks on English learning strategies
Fill out course evaluations
Final paper due midnight Wed. May 12
Share interview questions about Saudi culture
Look at Amadasi and Holliday (2017) for key words
Speakers: Share recommended sources
Revision: More on audience and purpose
One more new word or phrase!
Read (and likely rewrite) beginning of your essay
Don’t forget about “Letter to Fran”!
Speakers: Share a source with us
Share observations and questions on Wadjda
Look at Amadasi and Holliday (2017) for audience and purpose
Revision: Thinking about audience and purpose
Speakers: Share recommended sources
Come up with interview questions about Saudi culture
Identify key concepts in Amadasi and Holliday (2017)
Get started on your final project!
Read “Letter to Fran,” come up with possible explanations
Speakers: Share a source with us
Follow up: Reflections on interview
Intro to Wadjda
Speakers: Summarize Gelfand readings
Finish discussion of Gelfand
Intro to Holliday & Amadasi (understanding “purpose”)
Looking forward: Grading, revision, and final project
Watch Wadjda
Preview Amadasi and Holliday (2017)
Read description of Intersections, choose direction for final project
Speakers: Share a source
Speakers & Discussion: Gelfand on “tight and loose cultures”
Interview with Maranda Cox
English task: Notice, record, & use one phrase
Essay 2 due Friday
Be ready to continue discussion on Gelfand
Bring observations on interview
Speakers: Wu You, Rachael, Kaige
English lesson: Make it matter to you
Revisit Osland & Bird
Speakers: Intro to Gelfand
Interview practice with Austin
English task: Notice, record, & use one phrase
Read Gelfand readings
Bring interview questions to next class
Update your “promising source” document
Essay 2 due Friday — get working on it!
Finish critical incident: “Left Out of the Conversation”
Speakers & Discussion: Behaviors in Boyhood
Intro to Essay 2
English task: Notice, record, & use one phrase
Read Essay 2 instructions
Identify one good source
Preview Gelfand readings
Come up with interview questions
Speakers: Kaige, Viviette, Tianji
English lesson: Check-in
Speaker summaries & Discussion: Osland & Bird (2000)
Critical incident: “Left Out of the Conversation”
English task: Notice, record, & use one phrase
Watch Boyhood
Boyhood writing exercise
Revisit Osland & Bird
Rank explanations for critical incident
Speakers: Xiaoyu, Rachael, Steven
English lesson: Check-in
Speaker summaries & Discussion: Hofstede & American Factory
Intro to Boyhood
English goal: Notice, record, & use one phrase
Read Osland & Bird (2000), write brief summary / response
Speakers: Rixin, Wu You, Xinyi
Start watching Boyhood
English lesson: Sources of “input”
Speaker summaries: Hofstede Ch. 3 + 4
Hofstede & American Factory: Discussion
Essay 1 due next class
English goal: Notice one phrase
Speakers: Freddie, Marcus, Jane
Be ready to continue our discussion
English lesson: Using feedback
Finish discussion of values, in-group/out-group, and social norms in American Factory
Go over essay prompt, discuss: Can “intercultural training” make a difference?
Speakers summarize Hofstede excerpts
Note: Class on Friday
Think: What are my sources for language?
Read Hofstede Ch. 3 & 4 excerpts, be ready to discuss
Speakers: TBD
English lesson: Identifying a specific focus
Speakers summarize Hofstede and Gelfand
Share examples from American Factory
Identify an area to focus on in your English study
Read Hofstede excerpts
Take World Values Survey
Explore the Hofstede Insights website
Short writing exercise
Speakers for next class: Tianji, Rixin, Xiaoyu
Share goals for English learning
New words & phrases
Intro to American Factory and Hofstede
Notice if you use your new word/phrase
Watch American Factory (3pm Friday)
Record 20 observations and 20 questions (due Saturday midnight)
Read Hofstede et al (2010) Ch. 1 & Gelfand (2018) Ch. 1 excerpt
Note connections between readings and American Factory
Intro to class
Learning about culture through film: observations on 《都挺好》 and Boyhood
Review: “summary-response”
Read Syllabus and Course Handbook
Writing Exercise #1: Summary-response to syllabus
(Review: Watch my video on summarizing)
Notice and use one new word or phrase
Plan time to attend American Factory viewing on Friday