Day 13
M-Tu Feb. 25-26
➤ Speaker tasks
Speaker 1: Do a little background research on Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Who are the authors? Why did they write this book? What do you think its purpose, and intended audience, are?
Speaker 2: Summarize pp. 3-12, using the reading questions as a guide
Speaker 3: Summarize pp. 12-20, using the reading questions as a guide
Speaker 4: Summarize pp. 20-26, using the reading questions as a guide
➤ Read Chapter 1 of Cultures and Organizations
Consider the following questions as you read:
pp. 3-12: According to Hofstede,
What is culture?
What is the relationship between culture, human nature, and personality?
What does culture consist of?
How does culture reproduce itself?
pp. 12-20: According to Hofstede,
What is a "moral circle"?
What are "in-groups" and "out-groups"?
How is culture related to biological relatedness (i.e. race)?
What are the different "levels" of culture (i.e. different types of groups one could simultaneously be affiliated with)?
What parts of cultural change quickly, and which change slowly?
pp. 20-26: According to Hofstede,
How is a nation different from a society? Why do the authors urge caution when generalizing about the cultures of nations?
How are national identities, values, and institutions related, and not related?
What is cultural relativism? What does it mean to think in this way?
➤ Writing Exercise #7
Choose three words or phrases from the reading that you’d like to add to your active vocabulary. For each word, write 1-3 sentences expressing something you might actually want to write or say in the next week. Don’t forget to put the word or phrase in bold.