Day 23
M-Tu Apr 8-9
➤ Speaker tasks
Describe (narrate) in detail a scene you found particularly interesting or memorable. Then tell us why you found it interesting or memorable, and what questions you have about it.
➤ Watch Boyhood
Watch all of the movie. I’ve sent a link to the movie to the class WeChat group. I’ve also left a USB stick with a copy of the movie on it in my blue box.
➤ Writing Exercise #10
Fill one page (single spaced) with observations about the movie, and another page (single spaced) with questions that occurred to you as you watched.
Begin each observation with the phrase “I noticed…” and each question with the phrase “I wondered…” So you will end up with two lists that look like this:
I noticed…
I noticed…
I noticed…
I noticed…
I noticed…
I noticed…
I wondered…
I wondered…
I wondered…
I wondered…
I wondered…
I wondered…
If you wish, you can handwrite this assignment; sometimes writing with pen and paper can help get your thoughts flowing faster. If you handwrite it, please bring it in a form convenient for me to collect.
There is no right or wrong way to do this assignment. Treat this as “free-writing”—write quickly, and just write whatever comes to mind, no matter how obvious or mundane.