Day 12
M-Tu Oct. 15-16 (Week VII)
➤Preview Motivating Teachers, Motivating Learners
Preview the first excerpt from Motivating Learners, Motivating Teachers by Zoltan Dornyei and Magdalena Kubanyiova.
Be ready to talk about the following questions in class:
What kind of text is this? What is the genre?
What it is about? (What is the topic?)
To what do the authors seem to be responding? (What is the “they say?”)
Who do you think the intended audience is?
How could this text be relevant to us?
(Us = you, me, this class, DKU students, Chinese students of English, students of any foreign language, etc. — however you wish to define it)
➤ Read classmates’ responses
Read your classmates’ responses on Two Cents. Write down three points you found particularly interesting or memorable, using this template:
In his/her response, [PERSON] [REPORTING VERB]s, “_______________.”
Paraphrase each point — put it in your own words, using this template:
In other words, he/she [REPORTING VERB]s that ____________________.
Bring this assignment to class on paper (either printed or handwritten) with your name and section number on it. I will collect this assignment, but it won’t be graded.
Students at Duke Kunshan University respond to Austin Woerner’s open letter, “Good at English.”